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​​<<News>> 当journalにISSN番号が付与されました(2021年9月1日)ISSN 2434-9615


Publication place:Tokyo, Japan


~ 脳に良いサプリメントと関連物の総合国際誌 ~

Brain Supplement



本誌は脳に良いサプリメントと関連物のwebsite専門総合国際誌として、2019年5月に発行を開始しました。掲載対象論文の対象は、脳機能に関連する様々なサプリメントや、認知症予防・脳機能活性化・脳の健康維持に有用なバイオマーカー研究・音楽療法・ダンス療法・ヨガ・診断補助機器・AI (artificial intelligence)など幅広い分野です。本誌は脳の健康増進や認知症・脳卒中・パーキンソン病・神経難病など多くの脳疾患の補助治療の開発に資する情報を英文で世界に向けて発信し共有することを目的としています。



(a) Regular article (臨床試験あるいは基礎的研究を受け付けます、出版4-10頁相当)

(b) Short clinical report / Short scientific report(小さな予備的臨床試験あるいは探索的基礎的研究を受け付けます、出版1-3頁相当)

(c) Editorial and news(簡単な編集への手紙や本誌読者宛のニュース記事を受け付けます)

(d) Review article(本誌の趣旨に合ったテーマでの総説を受け付けます、出版4-20頁相当)



論文投稿者は編集事務局(宛てにe-mailで直接送信して下さい。その投稿論文を、編集長は2名以上の査読者に依頼して、その結果に基づき掲載の可否について通常1か月以内に検討します(first review)。査読結果が投稿者に通知され、再投稿などの往復を経て、acceptかrejectが最終的に編集長によって決定されます。



・論文投稿者はPDF化した論文を、編集事務局(宛てにe-mailを直接送信して下さい。本誌は英文誌ですが、日本語による投稿も受け付けます。その場合はacceptされた際に、編集室で有料で英語翻訳してゲラ刷り(galley proof)を作成し、著者確認を経た上で公開出版(publication)となります。

・重要事項:本誌では投稿料は発生しませんが、編集部による編集作業と公開手続き経費として掲載料(Publication Fee)が発生します(詳細は事項参照)。

・投稿時必要書類リスト: (a) 投稿する旨の手紙、 (b) 査読審査を希望する投稿論文、 (c) (もし可能なら)論文内容分野に詳しい査読候補3-4名の氏名・所属・職名・メールアドレス、 (d) 全著者の投稿同意書(書式自由)。



(1) 論文掲載料(page charge)


(2) 自由アクセスオプション



投稿論文がacceptされると、編集部で作成した出版公開用のゲラ刷り(galley proof)と共に論文掲載料振込み通知書(Author Publication Fee Payment form)が著者宛に送信されます。その際に自由アクセスオプションの可否も選択します。著者がこの記載済み振込み通知書を編集部宛に返信すると、折り返し編集部から請求書が著者に返送されます。請求額の振込が完了したことを確認後に、編集部で正式な出版公開の手続きに入ります。


投稿論文がacceptされて編集部からゲラ刷り(galley proof)が届いたら、著者全員が版権を本誌に帰属する旨の署名を求められます。出版後の版権は全て本誌に帰属しますので、出版公開された論文の全部または一部を他誌へ転載するなどの場合は本誌宛に許可を求め一定額の支払いが発生します。詳細は本誌編集部にご連絡ください(。



投稿する論文の内容に関連した利益相反(Conflict of interest、COI)の有無や研究費・研究材料費等の出所については論文中に明確に記載することが求められます。



本誌では人間および実験動物に関する研究について、所属施設倫理委員会の許可が得られ、論文中にその旨を明記した論文のみを投稿受付ならびに公開掲載します。人間に関係する研究については、米国のFederal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects (United States Office of Science and Technology Policy) and in the Declaration of Helsinkiあるいはそれに準拠した方法を遵守し、動物実験についても米国Animal experiment must follow The U.S. Public Health Service Policy on Use of Laboratory Animals (PHS Policy) and the National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NIH Guide) あるいはそれに準拠した方法を遵守したものを投稿受付ならびに公開掲載します。

<Scope of the journal>

The journal Brain Supplement  (BS) is an international multidisciplinary journal to provide progress in basic and clinical effects of dietary supplements and related therapy for brain functions such as preventing dementia, activating brain functions, and promoting healthy lives through potentiating and protecting brain functions. Thus, the journal publishes research articles, reviews, short clinical or scientific reports, book reviews, and letters-to-the-editor on the fields of brain functions through dietary supplements, biomarker, music, dance, Yoga, diagnostic machine, and even artificial intelligence (AI). The journal is dedicated to provide an open forum for original research that will expedite our fundamental understanding of healthy brain functions and improving pathological brain such as dementia, stroke or Parkinson’s disease etc.

<Editorial policy>

The primary means of submission is through on this website. The authors should submit the manuscript directly to the editorial office by e-mail (, and the Chief Editor will ask appropriate reviewers for the acceptability of the manuscript. The manuscript will usually be reviewed by more than 2 reviewers within one month of submission, and may be revised depending on the score of reviewers. The Chief Editor will make all final decisions on acceptability. 

<Publication Fee / Open Access Option>

(1) Publication fee (page charge)
Once an article is accepted for publication, the authors are required to pay 20,000 JPY for an every publication page. Although color charge will not be applied for e-publication, an additional 30,000 JPY will be charged for an every color print page for reprints (Number of reprints does not matter).


(2) Open access option
In addition to the above publication fee, the Brain Supplement offers authors an option of freely down-loadable article instantly on the journal website. With an additional charge of 150,000 JPY, your article will be freely accessible immediately upon publication.


When your manuscript is accepted, you will be directed to complete the Author Publication Fee Payment form in which you should choose the preferred method of payment and select the Open Access option or not. Upon receipt of your completed form, the editorial office will send you the invoice by E-mail. Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer, and should be done immediately to speed up the production and publication processes.

<Conflict of interest and Financial disclosure>

Conflict of interest (COI) and all financial/material support must clearly be described in the manuscript for all authors if present.

The authors are required to fulfill the copyright transfer agreement when author’s proof reached. Once your article is published, all copyright belong to Brain Supplement  journal.

Re-use material from the Brain Supplement  journal is possible after an appropriate payment to the journal. For details, please ask the editorial office by e-mail (

The authors are required to fulfill the copyright transfer agreement when author’s proof reached. Once your article is published, all copyright belong to Brain Supplement  journal.

Re-use material from the Brain Supplement journal is possible after an appropriate payment to the journal. For details, please ask the editorial office by e-mail (


<Types of manuscript>

(a) Regular article (Regularly performed clinical study or basic research)

(b) Short clinical report / Short scientific report(Small/preliminary clinical or basic study)

(c) Editorial and news(a short letter to the editor and a news for readers)

(d) Review article(Timely and attractive review for this journal and readers)

<Instructions to authors>

To submit your manuscript to BS journal, please send it with PDF format directly to the editorial office by e-mail (

Important note: There is a publication fee for all articles accepted for publication.

List of submission: (a) Surface letter of submission, (b) manuscript, (c) a list of 3-4 potential reviewers knowledgeable in the area of the study, and (d) statement of all authors agreements.

Brain Supplement (ISSN 2434-9615)

2019; 1: 1-3

New Non-toxic Iron Chelators SP9 and SP10 and Its Potentiality as Brain Supplement

Yuzo Nishida

Disease Absorption System Technologies Co., Ltd (DASTec). 920-0226
Kanazawa-city, Ishikawa-Pref. Japan. E-mail:

Brain Supplement (ISSN 2434-9615)

2020; 2: 1-12

In Vitro Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Dietary Supplements by Electron Spin Resonance

Tian Feng, Toru Yamashita, Keiichiro Tsunoda, Namiko Matsumoto, Koh Tadokoro,

Ryo Sasaki, and Koji Abe

Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University, 2-5-1 Shikatacho, Kitaku, Okayama 700-8558, Japan

Brain Supplement (ISSN 2434-9615)

2021; 3: 1-7

Detecting facial characteristics of Parkinson’s disease by novel artificial intelligence (AI) softwares

Koh Tadokoro(1), Toru Yamashita(1), Yusuke Fukui(1,2), Zhihong Bian(1), Xinran Hu(1),

Mami Takemoto(1), Ryo Sasaki(1), Namiko Matsumoto(1), Emi Nomura(1), Ryuta Morihara(1),

Yoshio Omote(1), Nozomi Hishikawa(1), and Koji Abe(1)

  1. Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University, 2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Kita-Ku, Okayama, 700-8558, Japan.

  2. Department of Clinical Research, National Hospital Organizations Shikoku Medical Center for Children and Adults, 2-1-1 Senyu-cho, Zentsuji, 765-8507, Japan.

Brain Supplement (ISSN 2434-9615)

2021; 3: 8-17

Antioxidative and neuroprotective effects of ascidiacea-derived plasmalogen in a mouse stroke model

Yusuke Fukui(1,2), Tian Feng(1), Koh Tadokoro(1), Yoshio Omote(1), Mami Takemoto(1),

Ryuta Morihara(1), Toru Yamashita(1), and Koji Abe(1)

  1. Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Okayama University, 2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Kita-Ku, Okayama, 700-8558, Japan.

  2. Department of Clinical Research, National Hospital Organizations Shikoku Medical Center for Children and Adults, 2-1-1 Senyu-cho, Zentsuji, 765-8507, Japan.

Brain Supplement (ISSN 2434-9615)

2022; 4: 1-6

Effects of Antioxidant composition Twendee X on side effects of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine

Fukka You(1), Sho Tanaka(2), Toshikazu Yoshikawa(3) , Markus Matuschka von Greiffenclau(4) , and Haruhiko Inufusa(1)

  1. Anti-oxidant Research Laboratory, Louis Pasteur Center for Medical Research, Tanaka Monzen-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan.

  2. TIMA Tokyo INC, Tokyo, Japan.

  3. Louis Pasteur Center for Medical Research, Tanaka Monzen-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan.

  4. TIMA Est, Balzers, Liechtenstein

Brain Supplement (ISSN 2434-9615)

2022; 4: 7-12

Antioxidant composition Twendee X may improve long COVID symptoms

Fukka You(1), Sho Tanaka(2), Toshikazu Yoshikawa(3), Markus Matuschka von Greiffenclau   (4), and Haruhiko Inufusa(1)

  1. Anti-oxidant Research Laboratory, Louis Pasteur Center for Medical Research, Tanaka Monzen-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan.

  2. TIMA Tokyo INC, Tokyo, Japan.

  3. Louis Pasteur Center for Medical Research, Tanaka Monzen-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan.

  4. TIMA Est, Balzers, Liechtenstein

Brain Supplement (ISSN 2434-9615)

2022; 4: 13-26

Effect of Naturido on the cognitive function improvement in healthy volunteers and subjects with mild cognitive impairment: A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group comparison study

Norikazu Watanabe(1), Daisuke Saito(2), Shiho Saitou(2), Taisuke Fukaya(3), and

Naotaka Hashiya(4) 

  1. Yakujihou Marketing Jimusho Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.

  2. DKS Co. Ltd., Kyoto, Japan.

  3. Tashikani-plus Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan.

  4. Kanyukai Clinic, Osaka, Japan.

Brain Supplement (ISSN 2434-9615)

2022; 4: 27-34





  1. 国立精神・神経医療研究センター病院

  2. 利根川Kスタジオ

  3. S&Hpro.

  4. (株)JWI.

Brain Supplement (ISSN 2434-9615)

2023; 5: 1-7

Anti-oxidant Twendee X, for maintenance of singing voice

Shigeru Hirano(1), Haruhiko Inufusa (2,3), Fukka You (2,3), and Toshikazu Yoshikawa (3) 

  1. Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan.

  2. Division of Antioxidant Research, Life Science Research Center, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan.

  3. Anti-oxidant Research Laboratory, Louis Pasteur Center for Medical Research, Kyoto, Japan.

Brain Supplement (ISSN 2434-9615)

2023; 5: 8-12


阿部康二(1)五月女美幸(2)尾崎仁美(2), 小川八重子(2)平塚喜之(2), 辻幸子(2)水野和美(2)佐藤朋子(2)西島一美(2)


  1. 国立精神・神経医療研究センター病院

  2. 利根川Kスタジオ

  3. S&Hpro.


© 2019 BrainSupplement     

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